MOFA Taiwan Fellowship 2025 | Application Process (Fully Funded)

Pursue your research in Taiwan. Good news! Applications for MOFA Taiwan Fellowship are currently open. In this article, we will explain in detail about this fellowship program, its benefits and step by step application process.

MOFA Taiwan Fellowship 2025-2026 is a fully funded research scholarship for international students and researchers. This fellowship provides the recipient with up to NT$60,000, one round-trip, economy-class ticket and Accident insurance (plus a NT$50,000 medical insurance for accidental injuries) coverage of NT$1 million.

MOFA Taiwan Fellowship is established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) to award foreign experts and scholars interested in researches related to Taiwan, cross-strait relations, Asia-Pacific region, and Sinology to conduct advanced research at universities or academic institutions in Taiwan.

Also Apply for DAAD Scholarship and get a  monthly payments of 934 euros for graduates or 1,300 euros for doctoral candidates.

Up to now, there have been 934 scholars from 78 countries being accepted by this program. MOFA Taiwan Fellowship, echoing the APEC Scholarship Initiative, provides 12 Chinese Taipei APEC Fellowship openings per year exclusively for scholars and experts from developing APEC economies. The total number of recipients is subject to MOFA’s annual budget.

Scholarship Summary

  • Level of Study: Research Fellowship (PhD / Postdoctoral)
  • Institution(s): Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Taiwan Universities
  • Study in: Taiwan
  • Courses Offered:
    • Social studies
    • Humanities
    • Regional studies
    • Sinology
    • Cross-strait relations
  • Program Period: Three to twelve months. MOFA Taiwan Fellowship is open for application in May and June every year and recipients will conduct their research in Taiwan as early as January the next year.
  • Deadline: May 1 to June 30, 2024

Also Apply for Chevening Scholarship and get university tuition fees, a monthly living allowance, an economy class return airfare to the UK, and additional grants and allowances

Scholarship Coverage

MOFA Taiwan Fellowship provides the recipient with below benefits:

  • Monthly grants are paid at the beginning of every month.
  1. Professors, associate professors, research fellows, or associate research fellows: NT$60,000.
  2. Assistant professors, assistant research fellows, or doctoral candidates: NT$50,000.
  • One round-trip, economy-class ticket for the most direct route to Taiwan subsidized between the applicant’s country of residence and Taiwan. You can check the maximum subsidization amount through this link.
  • Accident insurance (plus a NT$50,000 medical insurance for accidental injuries) coverage of NT$1 million.

Note: During the Fellowship period, the recipients are not allowed to receive any scholarships granted by other governmental agencies or public or private academic institutions and schools based in Taiwan. In addition, recipients cannot engage in part-time work without consent from MOFA.

Eligibility Criteria for MOFA Taiwan Fellowship

To qualify for MOFA Taiwan Fellowship, candidate must fulfill all of the following requirements below:

  • Required Languages: English
  • Eligible Countries: All World Countries.
  • Recipients shall be foreign professors, associate professors, assistant professors, post-doctoral researchers, doctoral candidates, or doctoral program students at related departments of overseas universities, or are research fellows at an equivalent level in academic institutions abroad.
  • The recipients should submit their research findings in writing (at least 20 pages) to MOFA within three months after the end of the project.
  • During their stay in Taiwan, the recipients should attend academic seminars and relevant activities held by MOFA and commissioned organizers.

How to Apply for MOFA Taiwan Fellowship ?

Please follow the following instructions to apply for MOFA Taiwan Fellowship:

  1. After reading the application guidelines, prepare the following documents:
    • Resume (including a publication list)
    • Research proposal
    • Two letters of recommendation and one letter of agreement from the highest administrative director of your institution.
  2. Fill the online application and upload the documents above.
  3. Print the complete application and send it to the R.O.C. (Taiwan) Embassy or Representative Office by post.

Note: To delay implementation of the grant after having circumstances due to which you cannot currently travel, you can delay the implementation of the grant by applying with your local ROC (Taiwan) embassy or representative office. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will then review the proposal. If approval is granted, research must be completed within the same calendar year (before December 31).

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To know more about MOFA Taiwan Fellowship, please visit the official website:

Official Website